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Waiting for a final

December 8th, 2008 at 09:05 pm

I am sitting here in the library waiting for my 4:00 final. I have studied but I will be so happy when this particular one is finished. I don't quite understand Stats and I am nervous. I have a solid B in the class and I doubt I will flunk but I had really hoped to come out of this with at least my B intact.
My Accounting final will be just as intense but I am not as nevous about it. I enjoy accounting and absolutely loath statistics. Nest semester I have Statistics for Business and Economics, it is not even considered a math class so I am hoping it won't be as bad as this one has been. It is as if I know it and then I sit down with the test and all the sudden I don't know it. I have never had test anxiety before I think it is just a case of I DON'T LIKE IT so I forget it as soon as possible.
After finals this week I don't have school again until January 20th. Since I am re-employed now and will be starting taxes in January it won't be as much of a vacation as I could have hoped for. It would be nice to just be a student and have 4 weeks with nothing to do but there aren't many peopple here in that position. Most of them work their a**es off during breaks to help pay for school.

Anyway, wish me luck....

Why don't they tell me these things! (rant)

September 2nd, 2008 at 11:19 pm

So I checked my financial aid status last week and am informed that it can't be approved without my admissions being finalized, I check with admissions and they tell me they can't finalize until they have the transcripts from the community college I attended. Why don't they have them? I hadn't ordered them, I didn't know I had to order them. So I ordered them and waited a week for them to get here and processed.

Now I check online and they say my financial aid cannot be finalized because I am a Junior and I have to declare a major. WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL ME THAT BEFORE! I could have declared a major if they had told me now I will have to meet with an advisor and put in a declaration of major and then WAIT FOR THEM TO PROCESS THAT before I can get my financial aid. First it is one thing and then another.

Well off to class. It will have to wait until tomorrow cause everything is closed now...this is so frustrating.

Busy week

August 16th, 2008 at 01:36 am

I am sitting here waiting for my sister to show up, she is late.

Wow, who would have thought being out of work would make me so busy. This was Bod Blast week when the campus welcomes all the new students, and although I have 20 years on most of them I went to everything. Had a good time too although except for the non-traditional student gathering, I felt a little old.

HEY, she's here! Time for the Fun Fest.


Last Day

August 9th, 2008 at 04:12 pm

Not much fanfare, okay with me. The good news was I had 174.90 hours of unused vacation time that will be on my last paycheck (8/22) I changed my witholding so they won't take out monstrous taxes on it.

Next week I will pay my tuition and books on my Visa card so I don't ACTUALLY have to pay them until Sept 15th when the bill comes. I redeemed $30 in rewards this month but those two bills should add up. Plus the money in savings can earn interest for August.

I talked to some people I know and it looks like I have 3 PT job prospects. I would rather work on campus but those jobs don't pay as well. I am not worried though and thought I would get established in class before adding any more.

The adventure begins...

Raring to go

July 31st, 2008 at 12:00 am

Who ever dreamed up this 2 week notice thing? I hate them. I have 7 days to go and I am out of there!

All enrolled as a “Provisional Student”; they are waiting on a transcript from a junior college I attended. Even if the classes don’t count my grades there were pretty good so it may raise my GPA. All my prerequisites are covered by classes I took from this college so I’m good to go.
I am enrolled in the following
Statistics- M & W 4-5:30
Financial Accounting- M & W 5:30-7:00
Business Management Systems- T & Th 5:30-7
Music in the Movies -Th 7-9:30 I need another humanities to become a “well rounded” student, the college calls these General Education requirements. I am 47 years old how much more well rounded do I need to get? On the plus side it sounds a little fun and I talked DS into taking it with me.

Yes they are all late afternoon/evening classes. I was a little worried about quitting so I arranged it so I might be able to work for a little while after the semester started. I did the math though and this will work out fine, financially speaking.

This is actually the easiest semester because most I will have 5 classes.
Total Tuition= $2600
Books = $550
Health Insurance= $900, for a year of coverage though the school.

I am going to apply for some part time work to help supplement my savings plus I will get an “Unused Vacation” check from my employer which should cover the tuition and books. I signed the papers today telling them to not withhold taxes from that one. According to my figures I am already looking at a refund so I see no reason to let them withhold more out of that check that I will just get back in February. Did you know you can’t get the retirement savings credit if you are a full time student? Doesn’t seem fair to me but it isn’t much of a credit for me this year anyway as I have been socking it away in savings preparing for this moment instead of doing my Roth IRA.
Financial Aid is waiting for some paperwork to go through but I am not holding out much hope for this semester since I am so late getting started. With my much lower income next year I should be eligible and there are some scholarships the school gives out based on GPA. My GPA isn’t all that great now because of a lot of fooling around I did when I was in school way back when. I am much more serious now; I expect it to go up.

Anyway, that is the update on me. I am getting so excited about this.